YYDS 2022-02-21 11:42:21 +08:00
parent 76f54f7b85
commit c70aab54f3
4 changed files with 1113 additions and 417 deletions

View File

@ -1061,6 +1061,7 @@ async function bean() {
} }
await redPacket(); await redPacket();
await getCoupon();
} }
async function Monthbean() { async function Monthbean() {
@ -1571,6 +1572,107 @@ function redPacket() {
}) })
} }
function getCoupon() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
let options = {
url: `https://wq.jd.com/activeapi/queryjdcouponlistwithfinance?state=1&wxadd=1&filterswitch=1&_=${Date.now()}&sceneval=2&g_login_type=1&callback=jsonpCBKB&g_ty=ls`,
headers: {
'authority': 'wq.jd.com',
"User-Agent": $.isNode() ? (process.env.JD_USER_AGENT ? process.env.JD_USER_AGENT : (require('./USER_AGENTS').USER_AGENT)) : ($.getdata('JDUA') ? $.getdata('JDUA') : "jdapp;iPhone;9.4.4;14.3;network/4g;Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148;supportJDSHWK/1"),
'accept': '*/*',
'referer': 'https://wqs.jd.com/',
'accept-language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9,en;q=0.8',
'cookie': cookie
$.get(options, async(err, resp, data) => {
try {
data = JSON.parse(data.match(new RegExp(/jsonpCBK.?\((.*);*/))[1]);
let couponTitle = '';
let couponId = '';
// 删除可使用且非超市、生鲜、京贴;
let useable = data.coupon.useable;
$.todayEndTime = new Date(new Date(new Date().getTime()).setHours(23, 59, 59, 999)).getTime();
$.tomorrowEndTime = new Date(new Date(new Date().getTime() + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000).setHours(23, 59, 59, 999)).getTime();
for (let i = 0; i < useable.length; i++) {
if (useable[i].limitStr.indexOf('全品类') > -1) {
$.beginTime = useable[i].beginTime;
if ($.beginTime < new Date().getTime() && useable[i].quota < 20 && useable[i].coupontype === 1) {
//$.couponEndTime = new Date(parseInt(useable[i].endTime)).Format('yyyy-MM-dd');
$.couponName = useable[i].limitStr;
if (useable[i].platFormInfo)
$.platFormInfo = useable[i].platFormInfo;
$.message += `【全品类券】满${useable[i].quota}${useable[i].discount}`;
if (useable[i].endTime < $.todayEndTime) {
$.message += `(今日过期,${$.platFormInfo})\n`;
} else if (useable[i].endTime < $.tomorrowEndTime) {
$.message += `(明日将过期,${$.platFormInfo})\n`;
} else {
$.message += `(${$.platFormInfo})\n`;
/* if (useable[i].couponTitle.indexOf('APP') > -1) {
$.couponEndTime = useable[i].endTime;
$.startIndex = useable[i].couponTitle.indexOf('-') - 3;
$.endIndex = useable[i].couponTitle.indexOf('元') + 1;
$.couponName = useable[i].couponTitle.substring($.startIndex, $.endIndex);
if ($.couponEndTime < $.todayEndTime) {
$.message += `【极速版券】${$.couponName}(今日过期)\n`;
} else if ($.couponEndTime < $.tomorrowEndTime) {
$.message += `【极速版券】${$.couponName}(明日将过期)\n`;
} else {
$.couponEndTime = timeFormat(parseInt($.couponEndTime));
$.message += `【极速版券】${$.couponName}(有效期至${$.couponEndTime})\n`;
} */
//8是支付券 7是白条券
if (useable[i].couponStyle == 7 || useable[i].couponStyle == 8) {
$.beginTime = useable[i].beginTime;
if ($.beginTime > new Date().getTime() || useable[i].quota > 50 || useable[i].coupontype != 1) {
if (useable[i].couponStyle == 8) {
$.couponType = "支付立减";
$.couponType = "白条优惠";
$.message += `${$.couponType}】满${useable[i].quota}${useable[i].discount}`;
$.message += `${$.couponType}】立减${useable[i].discount}`;
if (useable[i].platFormInfo)
$.platFormInfo = useable[i].platFormInfo;
//$.couponEndTime = new Date(parseInt(useable[i].endTime)).Format('yyyy-MM-dd');
if (useable[i].endTime < $.todayEndTime) {
$.message += `(今日过期,${$.platFormInfo})\n`;
} else if (useable[i].endTime < $.tomorrowEndTime) {
$.message += `(明日将过期,${$.platFormInfo})\n`;
} else {
$.message += `(${$.platFormInfo})\n`;
} catch (e) {
$.logErr(e, resp);
finally {
function getJdZZ() { function getJdZZ() {
return new Promise(resolve => { return new Promise(resolve => {
$.get(taskJDZZUrl("interactTaskIndex"), async(err, resp, data) => { $.get(taskJDZZUrl("interactTaskIndex"), async(err, resp, data) => {

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
* @Author: X1a0He
* @LastEditors: X1a0He
* @Description: 批量取关京东店铺和商品
* @Fixed: 不再支持Qx仅支持Node.js
const $ = new Env('批量取关店铺和商品');
const jdCookieNode = $.isNode() ? require('./jdCookie.js') : '';
const notify = $.isNode() ? require('./sendNotify') : '';
//IOS等用户直接用NobyDa的jd cookie
let cookiesArr = [], cookie = '';
Object.keys(jdCookieNode).forEach((item) => {
if(process.env.JD_DEBUG && process.env.JD_DEBUG === 'false') console.log = () => {};
} else {
cookiesArr = [$.getdata('CookieJD'), $.getdata('CookieJD2'), ...jsonParse($.getdata('CookiesJD') || "[]").map(item => item.cookie)].filter(item => !!item);
let args_xh = {
* 跳过某个指定账号默认为全部账号清空
* 填写规则例如当前Cookie1为pt_key=key; pt_pin=pin1;则环境变量填写pin1即可此时pin1的购物车将不会被清空
* 若有更多则按照pin1@pin2@pin3进行填写
except: process.env.XH_UNSUB_EXCEPT && process.env.XH_UNSUB_EXCEPT.split('@') || [],
* 是否执行取消关注默认true
* 可通过环境变量控制JD_UNSUB
* */
isRun: process.env.JD_UNSUB === 'true' || true,
* 执行完毕是否进行通知默认false
* */
isNotify: process.env.JD_UNSUB_NOTIFY === 'true' || false,
* 每次获取已关注的商品数
* 可设置环境变量JD_UNSUB_GPAGESIZE默认为20不建议超过20
* */
goodPageSize: process.env.JD_UNSUB_GPAGESIZE * 1 || 20,
* 每次获取已关注的店铺数
* 可设置环境变量JD_UNSUB_SPAGESIZE默认为20不建议超过20
* */
shopPageSize: process.env.JD_UNSUB_SPAGESIZE * 1 || 20,
* 商品类过滤关键词只要商品名内包含关键词则不会被取消关注
* */
goodsKeyWords: process.env.JD_UNSUB_GKEYWORDS && process.env.JD_UNSUB_GKEYWORDS.split('@') || [],
* 店铺类过滤关键词只要店铺名内包含关键词则不会被取消关注
* */
shopKeyWords: process.env.JD_UNSUB_SKEYWORDS && process.env.JD_UNSUB_SKEYWORDS.split('@') || [],
* 间隔防止提示操作频繁单位毫秒(1 = 1000毫秒)
* 可用环境变量控制JD_UNSUB_INTERVAL默认为3000毫秒
* */
unSubscribeInterval: process.env.JD_UNSUB_INTERVAL * 1 || 1000,
* 是否打印日志
* 可用环境变量控制JD_UNSUB_PLOG默认为true
* */
printLog: process.env.JD_UNSUB_PLOG === 'true' || true,
* 失败次数当取关商品或店铺时如果连续 x 次失败则结束本次取关防止死循环
* 可用环境变量控制JD_UNSUB_FAILTIMES默认为3次
* */
failTimes: process.env.JD_UNSUB_FAILTIMES || 3
!(async() => {
$.msg('【京东账号一】取关京东店铺商品失败', '【提示】请先获取京东账号一cookie\n直接使用NobyDa的京东签到获取', 'https://bean.m.jd.com/bean/signIndex.action', {
"open-url": "https://bean.m.jd.com/bean/signIndex.action"
await requireConfig();
for(let i = 0; i < cookiesArr.length; i++){
cookie = cookiesArr[i];
$.UserName = decodeURIComponent(cookie.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && cookie.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1])
$.index = i + 1;
$.isLogin = true;
$.nickName = '';
await TotalBean();
console.log(`\n****开始【京东账号${$.index}${$.nickName || $.UserName}*****\n`);
console.log(`跳过账号:${$.nickName || $.UserName}`)
$.msg($.name, `【提示】cookie已失效`, `京东账号${$.index} ${$.nickName || $.UserName}\n请重新登录获取\nhttps://bean.m.jd.com/bean/signIndex.action`, {
"open-url": "https://bean.m.jd.com/bean/signIndex.action"
await notify.sendNotify(`${$.name}cookie已失效 - ${$.UserName}`, `京东账号${$.index} ${$.UserName}\n请重新登录获取cookie`);
$.shopsKeyWordsNum = 0;
$.goodsKeyWordsNum = 0;
$.unsubscribeGoodsNum = 0;
$.unsubscribeShopsNum = 0;
$.goodsTotalNum = 0 //记录当前总共关注了多少商品
$.shopsTotalNum = 0; //记录当前总共关注了多少店铺
$.commIdList = ``;
$.shopIdList = ``;
$.endGoods = $.endShops = false;
$.failTimes = 0;
// console.log(`=====京东账号${$.index} ${$.nickName || $.UserName}内部变量=====`)
// console.log(`$.unsubscribeGoodsNum: ${$.unsubscribeGoodsNum}`)
// console.log(`$.unsubscribeShopsNum: ${$.unsubscribeShopsNum}`)
// console.log(`$.goodsTotalNum: ${$.goodsTotalNum}`)
// console.log(`$.shopsTotalNum: ${$.shopsTotalNum}`)
// console.log(`$.commIdList: ${$.commIdList}`)
// console.log(`$.shopIdList: ${$.shopIdList}`)
// console.log(`$.failTimes: ${$.failTimes}`)
// console.log(`================`)
await favCommQueryFilter(); //获取商品并过滤
await $.wait(args_xh.unSubscribeInterval)
if(!$.endGoods && parseInt($.goodsTotalNum) !== parseInt($.goodsKeyWordsNum)) await favCommBatchDel();//取关商品
else console.log("不执行取消收藏商品\n")
await $.wait(args_xh.unSubscribeInterval)
await queryShopFavList(); //获取店铺并过滤
await $.wait(args_xh.unSubscribeInterval)
if(!$.endShops && parseInt($.shopsTotalNum) !== parseInt($.shopsKeyWordsNum)) await batchunfollow(); //取关店铺
else console.log("不执行取消收藏店铺\n")
do {
if(parseInt($.goodsTotalNum) === 0 && parseInt($.shopsTotalNum) === 0) break;
else {
if(parseInt($.goodsTotalNum) !== 0){
if(parseInt($.goodsTotalNum) === parseInt($.goodsKeyWordsNum)) break;
else {
$.commIdList = ``
await favCommQueryFilter(); //获取商品并过滤
await $.wait(args_xh.unSubscribeInterval)
if(!$.endGoods && parseInt($.goodsTotalNum) !== parseInt($.goodsKeyWordsNum)) await favCommBatchDel(); //取关商品
else console.log("不执行取消收藏商品\n")
} else if(parseInt($.shopsTotalNum) !== 0){
if(parseInt($.shopsTotalNum) === parseInt($.shopsKeyWordsNum)) break;
else {
$.shopIdList = ``
await queryShopFavList(); //获取店铺并过滤
await $.wait(args_xh.unSubscribeInterval)
if(!$.endShops && parseInt($.shopsTotalNum) !== parseInt($.shopsKeyWordsNum)) await batchunfollow(); //取关店铺
else console.log("不执行取消收藏店铺\n")
if($.failTimes >= args_xh.failTimes){
} while(true)
await showMsg_xh();
})().catch((e) => {
$.log('', `${$.name}, 失败! 原因: ${e}!`, '')
}).finally(() => {
function requireConfig(){
return new Promise(resolve => {
if($.isNode() && process.env.JD_UNSUB){
console.log(`except: ${typeof args_xh.except}, ${args_xh.except}`)
console.log(`isNotify: ${typeof args_xh.isNotify}, ${args_xh.isNotify}`)
console.log(`goodPageSize: ${typeof args_xh.goodPageSize}, ${args_xh.goodPageSize}`)
console.log(`shopPageSize: ${typeof args_xh.shopPageSize}, ${args_xh.shopPageSize}`)
console.log(`goodsKeyWords: ${typeof args_xh.goodsKeyWords}, ${args_xh.goodsKeyWords}`)
console.log(`shopKeyWords: ${typeof args_xh.shopKeyWords}, ${args_xh.shopKeyWords}`)
console.log(`unSubscribeInterval: ${typeof args_xh.unSubscribeInterval}, ${args_xh.unSubscribeInterval}`)
console.log(`printLog: ${typeof args_xh.printLog}, ${args_xh.printLog}`)
console.log(`failTimes: ${typeof args_xh.failTimes}, ${args_xh.failTimes}`)
function showMsg_xh(){
$.msg($.name, ``, `【京东账号${$.index}${$.nickName}\n【还剩关注店铺】${$.shopsTotalNum}\n【还剩关注商品】${$.goodsTotalNum}`);
} else {
function getSubstr(str, leftStr, rightStr){
let left = str.indexOf(leftStr);
let right = str.indexOf(rightStr, left);
if(left < 0 || right < left) return '';
return str.substring(left + leftStr.length, right);
function favCommQueryFilter(){
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const option = {
url: `https://wq.jd.com/fav/comm/FavCommQueryFilter?cp=1&pageSize=${args_xh.goodPageSize}&category=0&promote=0&cutPrice=0&coupon=0&stock=0&sceneval=2`,
headers: {
"Cookie": cookie,
"User-Agent": $.isNode() ? (process.env.JD_USER_AGENT ? process.env.JD_USER_AGENT : (require('./USER_AGENTS').USER_AGENT)) : ($.getdata('JDUA') ? $.getdata('JDUA') : "jdapp;iPhone;9.4.4;14.3;network/4g;Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148;supportJDSHWK/1"),
"Referer": "https://wqs.jd.com/"
$.get(option, async(err, resp, data) => {
if(data.indexOf("Authorization") !== -1){
console.log("获取数据失败401 Authorization Required可能是User-Agent的问题")
data = JSON.parse(getSubstr(data, "try{(", ");}catch(e){}"));
if(data.iRet === '0'){
$.goodsTotalNum = parseInt(data.totalNum);
$.goodsKeyWordsNum = 0;
for(let item of data.data){
if(args_xh.goodsKeyWords.some(keyword => item.commTitle.includes(keyword))){
args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`${item.commTitle} `) : ''
args_xh.printLog ? console.log('商品被过滤,含有关键词\n') : ''
$.goodsKeyWordsNum += 1;
} else {
$.commIdList += item.commId + ",";
} else {
$.endGoods = true;
} catch(e){
$.logErr(e, resp);
} finally{
function favCommBatchDel(){
return new Promise(resolve => {
const option = {
url: `https://wq.jd.com/fav/comm/FavCommBatchDel?commId=${$.commIdList}&sceneval=2&g_login_type=1`,
headers: {
"Cookie": cookie,
"User-Agent": $.isNode() ? (process.env.JD_USER_AGENT ? process.env.JD_USER_AGENT : (require('./USER_AGENTS').USER_AGENT)) : ($.getdata('JDUA') ? $.getdata('JDUA') : "jdapp;iPhone;9.4.4;14.3;network/4g;Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148;supportJDSHWK/1"),
"Referer": "https://wqs.jd.com/"
$.get(option, (err, resp, data) => {
if(data.indexOf("Authorization") !== -1){
console.log("获取数据失败401 Authorization Required可能是User-Agent的问题")
data = JSON.parse(data);
if(data.iRet === "0" && data.errMsg === "success"){
$.failTimes = 0;
} else {
console.log(`批量取消收藏商品失败,失败次数:${++$.failTimes}\n`, data)
} catch(e){
$.logErr(e, resp);
} finally{
function queryShopFavList(){
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const option = {
url: `https://wq.jd.com/fav/shop/QueryShopFavList?cp=1&pageSize=${args_xh.shopPageSize}&sceneval=2&g_login_type=1&callback=jsonpCBKA`,
headers: {
"Cookie": cookie,
"User-Agent": $.isNode() ? (process.env.JD_USER_AGENT ? process.env.JD_USER_AGENT : (require('./USER_AGENTS').USER_AGENT)) : ($.getdata('JDUA') ? $.getdata('JDUA') : "jdapp;iPhone;9.4.4;14.3;network/4g;Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148;supportJDSHWK/1"),
"Referer": "https://wqs.jd.com/"
$.get(option, (err, resp, data) => {
if(data.indexOf("Authorization") !== -1){
console.log("获取数据失败401 Authorization Required可能是User-Agent的问题")
data = JSON.parse(getSubstr(data, "try{jsonpCBKA(", ");}catch(e){}"));
if(data.iRet === '0'){
$.shopsTotalNum = parseInt(data.totalNum);
if(data.data.length > 0){
$.shopsKeyWordsNum = 0;
for(let item of data.data){
if(args_xh.shopKeyWords.some(keyword => item.shopName.includes(keyword))){
args_xh.printLog ? console.log('店铺被过滤,含有关键词') : ''
args_xh.printLog ? console.log(`${item.shopName}\n`) : ''
$.shopsKeyWordsNum += 1;
} else {
$.shopIdList += item.shopId + ",";
} else {
$.endShops = true;
} else console.log(`获取已关注店铺失败:${JSON.stringify(data)}`)
} catch(e){
$.logErr(e, resp);
} finally{
function batchunfollow(){
return new Promise(resolve => {
const option = {
url: `https://wq.jd.com/fav/shop/batchunfollow?shopId=${$.shopIdList}&sceneval=2&g_login_type=1`,
headers: {
"Cookie": cookie,
"User-Agent": $.isNode() ? (process.env.JD_USER_AGENT ? process.env.JD_USER_AGENT : (require('./USER_AGENTS').USER_AGENT)) : ($.getdata('JDUA') ? $.getdata('JDUA') : "jdapp;iPhone;9.4.4;14.3;network/4g;Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148;supportJDSHWK/1"),
"Referer": "https://wqs.jd.com/"
$.get(option, (err, resp, data) => {
if(data.indexOf("Authorization") !== -1){
console.log("获取数据失败401 Authorization Required可能是User-Agent的问题")
data = JSON.parse(data);
if(data.iRet === "0"){
$.failTimes = 0;
} else {
} catch(e){
$.logErr(e, resp);
} finally{
function TotalBean(){
return new Promise(async resolve => {
const options = {
"url": `https://wq.jd.com/user/info/QueryJDUserInfo?sceneval=2`,
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/json,text/plain, */*",
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br",
"Accept-Language": "zh-cn",
"Connection": "keep-alive",
"Cookie": cookie,
"Referer": "https://wqs.jd.com/my/jingdou/my.shtml?sceneval=2",
"User-Agent": $.isNode() ? (process.env.JD_USER_AGENT ? process.env.JD_USER_AGENT : (require('./USER_AGENTS').USER_AGENT)) : ($.getdata('JDUA') ? $.getdata('JDUA') : "jdapp;iPhone;9.4.4;14.3;network/4g;Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/15E148;supportJDSHWK/1")
$.post(options, (err, resp, data) => {
console.log(`${$.name} API请求失败请检查网路重试`)
} else {
data = JSON.parse(data);
if(data['retcode'] === 13){
$.isLogin = false; //cookie过期
if(data['retcode'] === 0){
$.nickName = (data['base'] && data['base'].nickname) || $.UserName;
} else {
$.nickName = $.UserName
} else {
} catch(e){
$.logErr(e, resp)
} finally{
function jsonParse(str){
if(typeof str == "string"){
return JSON.parse(str);
} catch(e){
$.msg($.name, '', '请勿随意在BoxJs输入框修改内容\n建议通过脚本去获取cookie')
return [];
// prettier-ignore
function Env(t, e){
"undefined" != typeof process && JSON.stringify(process.env).indexOf("GITHUB") > -1 && process.exit(0);
class s{
this.env = t
send(t, e = "GET"){
t = "string" == typeof t ? {
url: t
} : t;
let s = this.get;
return "POST" === e && (s = this.post), new Promise((e, i) => {
s.call(this, t, (t, s, r) => {
t ? i(t) : e(s)
return this.send.call(this.env, t)
return this.send.call(this.env, t, "POST")
return new class{
constructor(t, e){
this.name = t, this.http = new s(this), this.data = null, this.dataFile = "box.dat", this.logs = [], this.isMute = !1, this.isNeedRewrite = !1, this.logSeparator = "\n", this.startTime = (new Date).getTime(), Object.assign(this, e), this.log("", `🔔${this.name}, 开始!`)
return "undefined" != typeof module && !!module.exports
return "undefined" != typeof $task
return "undefined" != typeof $httpClient && "undefined" == typeof $loon
return "undefined" != typeof $loon
toObj(t, e = null){
return JSON.parse(t)
} catch{
return e
toStr(t, e = null){
return JSON.stringify(t)
} catch{
return e
getjson(t, e){
let s = e;
const i = this.getdata(t);
if(i) try{
s = JSON.parse(this.getdata(t))
} catch{}
return s
setjson(t, e){
return this.setdata(JSON.stringify(t), e)
} catch{
return !1
return new Promise(e => {
url: t
}, (t, s, i) => e(i))
runScript(t, e){
return new Promise(s => {
let i = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi");
i = i ? i.replace(/\n/g, "").trim() : i;
let r = this.getdata("@chavy_boxjs_userCfgs.httpapi_timeout");
r = r ? 1 * r : 20, r = e && e.timeout ? e.timeout : r;
const [o, h] = i.split("@"), n = {
url: `http://${h}/v1/scripting/evaluate`,
body: {
script_text: t,
mock_type: "cron",
timeout: r
headers: {
"X-Key": o,
Accept: "*/*"
this.post(n, (t, e, i) => s(i))
}).catch(t => this.logErr(t))
if(!this.isNode()) return {};
this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs"), this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path");
const t = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile),
e = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile),
s = this.fs.existsSync(t),
i = !s && this.fs.existsSync(e);
if(!s && !i) return {};
const i = s ? t : e;
return JSON.parse(this.fs.readFileSync(i))
} catch(t){
return {}
this.fs = this.fs ? this.fs : require("fs"), this.path = this.path ? this.path : require("path");
const t = this.path.resolve(this.dataFile),
e = this.path.resolve(process.cwd(), this.dataFile),
s = this.fs.existsSync(t),
i = !s && this.fs.existsSync(e),
r = JSON.stringify(this.data);
s ? this.fs.writeFileSync(t, r) : i ? this.fs.writeFileSync(e, r) : this.fs.writeFileSync(t, r)
lodash_get(t, e, s){
const i = e.replace(/\[(\d+)\]/g, ".$1").split(".");
let r = t;
for(const t of i)
if(r = Object(r)[t], void 0 === r) return s;
return r
lodash_set(t, e, s){
return Object(t) !== t ? t : (Array.isArray(e) || (e = e.toString().match(/[^.[\]]+/g) || []), e.slice(0, -1).reduce((t, s, i) => Object(t[s]) === t[s] ? t[s] : t[s] = Math.abs(e[i + 1]) >> 0 == +e[i + 1] ? [] : {}, t)[e[e.length - 1]] = s, t)
let e = this.getval(t);
const [, s, i] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(t), r = s ? this.getval(s) : "";
if(r) try{
const t = JSON.parse(r);
e = t ? this.lodash_get(t, i, "") : e
} catch(t){
e = ""
return e
setdata(t, e){
let s = !1;
const [, i, r] = /^@(.*?)\.(.*?)$/.exec(e), o = this.getval(i),
h = i ? "null" === o ? null : o || "{}" : "{}";
const e = JSON.parse(h);
this.lodash_set(e, r, t), s = this.setval(JSON.stringify(e), i)
} catch(e){
const o = {};
this.lodash_set(o, r, t), s = this.setval(JSON.stringify(o), i)
} else s = this.setval(t, e);
return s
return this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $persistentStore.read(t) : this.isQuanX() ? $prefs.valueForKey(t) : this.isNode() ? (this.data = this.loaddata(), this.data[t]) : this.data && this.data[t] || null
setval(t, e){
return this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $persistentStore.write(t, e) : this.isQuanX() ? $prefs.setValueForKey(t, e) : this.isNode() ? (this.data = this.loaddata(), this.data[e] = t, this.writedata(), !0) : this.data && this.data[e] || null
this.got = this.got ? this.got : require("got"), this.cktough = this.cktough ? this.cktough : require("tough-cookie"), this.ckjar = this.ckjar ? this.ckjar : new this.cktough.CookieJar, t && (t.headers = t.headers ? t.headers : {}, void 0 === t.headers.Cookie && void 0 === t.cookieJar && (t.cookieJar = this.ckjar))
get(t, e = (() => {})){
t.headers && (delete t.headers["Content-Type"], delete t.headers["Content-Length"]), this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? (this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && (t.headers = t.headers || {}, Object.assign(t.headers, {
"X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1
})), $httpClient.get(t, (t, s, i) => {
!t && s && (s.body = i, s.statusCode = s.status), e(t, s, i)
})) : this.isQuanX() ? (this.isNeedRewrite && (t.opts = t.opts || {}, Object.assign(t.opts, {
hints: !1
})), $task.fetch(t).then(t => {
const {
statusCode: s,
statusCode: i,
headers: r,
body: o
} = t;
e(null, {
status: s,
statusCode: i,
headers: r,
body: o
}, o)
}, t => e(t))) : this.isNode() && (this.initGotEnv(t), this.got(t).on("redirect", (t, e) => {
const s = t.headers["set-cookie"].map(this.cktough.Cookie.parse).toString();
s && this.ckjar.setCookieSync(s, null), e.cookieJar = this.ckjar
} catch(t){
}).then(t => {
const {
statusCode: s,
statusCode: i,
headers: r,
body: o
} = t;
e(null, {
status: s,
statusCode: i,
headers: r,
body: o
}, o)
}, t => {
const {
message: s,
response: i
} = t;
e(s, i, i && i.body)
post(t, e = (() => {})){
if(t.body && t.headers && !t.headers["Content-Type"] && (t.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"), t.headers && delete t.headers["Content-Length"], this.isSurge() || this.isLoon()) this.isSurge() && this.isNeedRewrite && (t.headers = t.headers || {}, Object.assign(t.headers, {
"X-Surge-Skip-Scripting": !1
})), $httpClient.post(t, (t, s, i) => {
!t && s && (s.body = i, s.statusCode = s.status), e(t, s, i)
else if(this.isQuanX()) t.method = "POST", this.isNeedRewrite && (t.opts = t.opts || {}, Object.assign(t.opts, {
hints: !1
})), $task.fetch(t).then(t => {
const {
statusCode: s,
statusCode: i,
headers: r,
body: o
} = t;
e(null, {
status: s,
statusCode: i,
headers: r,
body: o
}, o)
}, t => e(t));
else if(this.isNode()){
const {
url: s,
} = t;
this.got.post(s, i).then(t => {
const {
statusCode: s,
statusCode: i,
headers: r,
body: o
} = t;
e(null, {
status: s,
statusCode: i,
headers: r,
body: o
}, o)
}, t => {
const {
message: s,
response: i
} = t;
e(s, i, i && i.body)
time(t, e = null){
const s = e ? new Date(e) : new Date;
let i = {
"M+": s.getMonth() + 1,
"d+": s.getDate(),
"H+": s.getHours(),
"m+": s.getMinutes(),
"s+": s.getSeconds(),
"q+": Math.floor((s.getMonth() + 3) / 3),
S: s.getMilliseconds()
/(y+)/.test(t) && (t = t.replace(RegExp.$1, (s.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length)));
for(let e in i) new RegExp("(" + e + ")").test(t) && (t = t.replace(RegExp.$1, 1 == RegExp.$1.length ? i[e] : ("00" + i[e]).substr(("" + i[e]).length)));
return t
msg(e = t, s = "", i = "", r){
const o = t => {
if(!t) return t;
if("string" == typeof t) return this.isLoon() ? t : this.isQuanX() ? {
"open-url": t
} : this.isSurge() ? {
url: t
} : void 0;
if("object" == typeof t){
let e = t.openUrl || t.url || t["open-url"],
s = t.mediaUrl || t["media-url"];
return {
openUrl: e,
mediaUrl: s
let e = t["open-url"] || t.url || t.openUrl,
s = t["media-url"] || t.mediaUrl;
return {
"open-url": e,
"media-url": s
let e = t.url || t.openUrl || t["open-url"];
return {
url: e
if(this.isMute || (this.isSurge() || this.isLoon() ? $notification.post(e, s, i, o(r)) : this.isQuanX() && $notify(e, s, i, o(r))), !this.isMuteLog){
let t = ["", "==============📣系统通知📣=============="];
t.push(e), s && t.push(s), i && t.push(i), console.log(t.join("\n")), this.logs = this.logs.concat(t)
t.length > 0 && (this.logs = [...this.logs, ...t]), console.log(t.join(this.logSeparator))
logErr(t, e){
const s = !this.isSurge() && !this.isQuanX() && !this.isLoon();
s ? this.log("", `❗️${this.name}, 错误!`, t.stack) : this.log("", `❗️${this.name}, 错误!`, t)
return new Promise(e => setTimeout(e, t))
done(t = {}){
const e = (new Date).getTime(),
s = (e - this.startTime) / 1e3;
this.log("", `🔔${this.name}, 结束! 🕛 ${s}`), this.log(), (this.isSurge() || this.isQuanX() || this.isLoon()) && $done(t)
}(t, e)

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const querystring = require('querystring');
const exec = require('child_process').exec; const exec = require('child_process').exec;
const $ = new Env(); const $ = new Env();
const timeout = 15000; //超时时间(单位毫秒) const timeout = 15000; //超时时间(单位毫秒)
console.log("加载sendNotify当前版本: 20220217");
// =======================================go-cqhttp通知设置区域=========================================== // =======================================go-cqhttp通知设置区域===========================================
//gobot_url 填写请求地址http:// //gobot_url 填写请求地址http://
//gobot_token 填写在go-cqhttp文件设置的访问密钥 //gobot_token 填写在go-cqhttp文件设置的访问密钥
@ -136,18 +136,18 @@ let strCKFile = '/ql/scripts/CKName_cache.json';
let Fileexists = fs.existsSync(strCKFile); let Fileexists = fs.existsSync(strCKFile);
let TempCK = []; let TempCK = [];
if (Fileexists) { if (Fileexists) {
console.log("加载sendNotify,检测到别名缓存文件,载入..."); console.log("检测到别名缓存文件CKName_cache.json,载入...");
TempCK = fs.readFileSync(strCKFile, 'utf-8'); TempCK = fs.readFileSync(strCKFile, 'utf-8');
if (TempCK) { if (TempCK) {
TempCK = TempCK.toString(); TempCK = TempCK.toString();
TempCK = JSON.parse(TempCK); TempCK = JSON.parse(TempCK);
} }
} }
let strUidFile = './CK_WxPusherUid.json'; let strUidFile = '/ql/scripts/CK_WxPusherUid.json';
let UidFileexists = fs.existsSync(strUidFile); let UidFileexists = fs.existsSync(strUidFile);
let TempCKUid = []; let TempCKUid = [];
if (UidFileexists) { if (UidFileexists) {
console.log("检测到WxPusherUid文件,载入..."); console.log("检测到一对一Uid文件WxPusherUid.json,载入...");
TempCKUid = fs.readFileSync(strUidFile, 'utf-8'); TempCKUid = fs.readFileSync(strUidFile, 'utf-8');
if (TempCKUid) { if (TempCKUid) {
TempCKUid = TempCKUid.toString(); TempCKUid = TempCKUid.toString();
@ -165,9 +165,32 @@ let Notify_SkipText = [];
let isLogin = false; let isLogin = false;
if (process.env.NOTIFY_SHOWNAMETYPE) { if (process.env.NOTIFY_SHOWNAMETYPE) {
ShowRemarkType = process.env.NOTIFY_SHOWNAMETYPE; ShowRemarkType = process.env.NOTIFY_SHOWNAMETYPE;
if (ShowRemarkType == "2")
console.log("检测到显示备注名称,格式为: 京东别名(备注)");
if (ShowRemarkType == "3")
console.log("检测到显示备注名称,格式为: 京东账号(备注)");
if (ShowRemarkType == "4")
console.log("检测到显示备注名称,格式为: 备注");
} }
async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By ccwav Mod',strsummary="") { async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By ccwav Mod', strsummary = "") {
console.log(`开始发送通知...`); console.log(`开始发送通知...`);
if (process.env.NOTIFY_FILTERBYFILE) {
var no_notify = process.env.NOTIFY_FILTERBYFILE.split('&');
if (module.parent.filename) {
const script_name = module.parent.filename.split('/').slice(-1)[0];
if (no_notify.some(key_word => {
const flag = script_name.includes(key_word);
if (flag) {
return flag;
})) {
try { try {
//Reset 变量 //Reset 变量
@ -258,7 +281,14 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
isLogin = true; isLogin = true;
await isLoginByX1a0He(temptest.value); await isLoginByX1a0He(temptest.value);
if (!isLogin) { if (!isLogin) {
const DisableCkBody = await DisableCk(temptest._id); var tempid = 0;
if (temptest._id) {
tempid = temptest._id;
if (temptest.id) {
tempid =temptest.id;
const DisableCkBody = await DisableCk(tempid);
strPtPin = temptest.value; strPtPin = temptest.value;
strPtPin = (strPtPin.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && strPtPin.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]); strPtPin = (strPtPin.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && strPtPin.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]);
var strAllNotify = ""; var strAllNotify = "";
@ -310,12 +340,12 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
text = "京东CK检测"; text = "京东CK检测";
} }
if (process.env.CHECKCK_ALLNOTIFY) { if (process.env.CHECKCK_ALLNOTIFY) {
var strTempNotify = process.env.CHECKCK_ALLNOTIFY ? process.env.CHECKCK_ALLNOTIFY.split('&') : []; strAllNotify = process.env.CHECKCK_ALLNOTIFY;
if (strTempNotify.length > 0) { /* if (strTempNotify.length > 0) {
for (var TempNotifyl in strTempNotify) { for (var TempNotifyl in strTempNotify) {
strAllNotify += strTempNotify[TempNotifyl] + '\n'; strAllNotify += strTempNotify[TempNotifyl] + '\n';
} }
console.log(`检测到设定了温馨提示,将在推送信息中置顶显示...`); console.log(`检测到设定了温馨提示,将在推送信息中置顶显示...`);
strAllNotify = `\n【✨✨✨✨温馨提示✨✨✨✨】\n` + strAllNotify; strAllNotify = `\n【✨✨✨✨温馨提示✨✨✨✨】\n` + strAllNotify;
console.log(strAllNotify); console.log(strAllNotify);
@ -364,6 +394,7 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
} }
if (strtext.indexOf("cookie已失效") != -1 || strdesp.indexOf("重新登录获取") != -1 || strtext == "Ninja 运行通知") { if (strtext.indexOf("cookie已失效") != -1 || strdesp.indexOf("重新登录获取") != -1 || strtext == "Ninja 运行通知") {
if (Notify_NoCKFalse == "true" && text != "Ninja 运行通知") { if (Notify_NoCKFalse == "true" && text != "Ninja 运行通知") {
return; return;
} }
} }
@ -439,7 +470,9 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
const titleIndexGp5 = notifyGroup5List.findIndex((item) => item === strTitle); const titleIndexGp5 = notifyGroup5List.findIndex((item) => item === strTitle);
const notifyGroup6List = process.env.NOTIFY_GROUP6_LIST ? process.env.NOTIFY_GROUP6_LIST.split('&') : []; const notifyGroup6List = process.env.NOTIFY_GROUP6_LIST ? process.env.NOTIFY_GROUP6_LIST.split('&') : [];
const titleIndexGp6 = notifyGroup6List.findIndex((item) => item === strTitle); const titleIndexGp6 = notifyGroup6List.findIndex((item) => item === strTitle);
const notifyGroup7List = process.env.NOTIFY_GROUP7_LIST ? process.env.NOTIFY_GROUP7_LIST.split('&') : [];
const titleIndexGp7 = notifyGroup7List.findIndex((item) => item === strTitle);
if (titleIndex2 !== -1) { if (titleIndex2 !== -1) {
console.log(`${strTitle} 在群组2推送名单中初始化群组推送`); console.log(`${strTitle} 在群组2推送名单中初始化群组推送`);
UseGroupNotify = 2; UseGroupNotify = 2;
@ -459,6 +492,10 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
if (titleIndexGp6 !== -1) { if (titleIndexGp6 !== -1) {
console.log(`${strTitle} 在群组6推送名单中初始化群组推送`); console.log(`${strTitle} 在群组6推送名单中初始化群组推送`);
UseGroupNotify = 6; UseGroupNotify = 6;
if (titleIndexGp7 !== -1) {
console.log(`${strTitle} 在群组7推送名单中初始化群组推送`);
UseGroupNotify = 7;
} }
if (process.env.NOTIFY_CUSTOMNOTIFY) { if (process.env.NOTIFY_CUSTOMNOTIFY) {
strCustom = process.env.NOTIFY_CUSTOMNOTIFY; strCustom = process.env.NOTIFY_CUSTOMNOTIFY;
@ -495,7 +532,10 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
console.log("自定义设定强制使用组6配置通知..."); console.log("自定义设定强制使用组6配置通知...");
UseGroupNotify = 6; UseGroupNotify = 6;
} }
if (strCustomTempArr[1] == "组7") {
UseGroupNotify = 7;
if (strCustomTempArr.length > 2) { if (strCustomTempArr.length > 2) {
console.log("关闭所有通知变量..."); console.log("关闭所有通知变量...");
Use_serverNotify = false; Use_serverNotify = false;
@ -1200,6 +1240,110 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
if (process.env.GOTIFY_PRIORITY6) { if (process.env.GOTIFY_PRIORITY6) {
} }
case 7:
if (process.env.GOBOT_URL7 && Use_gobotNotify) {
GOBOT_URL = process.env.GOBOT_URL7;
if (process.env.GOBOT_TOKEN7 && Use_gobotNotify) {
if (process.env.GOBOT_QQ7 && Use_gobotNotify) {
GOBOT_QQ = process.env.GOBOT_QQ7;
if (process.env.PUSH_KEY7 && Use_serverNotify) {
SCKEY = process.env.PUSH_KEY7;
if (process.env.WP_APP_TOKEN7 && Use_WxPusher) {
WP_APP_TOKEN = process.env.WP_APP_TOKEN7;
if (process.env.WP_TOPICIDS7 && Use_WxPusher) {
if (process.env.WP_UIDS7 && Use_WxPusher) {
WP_UIDS = process.env.WP_UIDS7;
if (process.env.WP_URL7 && Use_WxPusher) {
WP_URL = process.env.WP_URL7;
if (process.env.BARK_PUSH7 && Use_BarkNotify) {
if (process.env.BARK_PUSH7.indexOf('https') > -1 || process.env.BARK_PUSH7.indexOf('http') > -1) {
BARK_PUSH = process.env.BARK_PUSH7;
} else {
BARK_PUSH = `https://api.day.app/${process.env.BARK_PUSH7}`;
if (process.env.BARK_SOUND7) {
BARK_SOUND = process.env.BARK_SOUND7;
if (process.env.BARK_GROUP7) {
BARK_GROUP = process.env.BARK_GROUP7;
if (process.env.TG_BOT_TOKEN7 && Use_tgBotNotify) {
TG_BOT_TOKEN = process.env.TG_BOT_TOKEN7;
if (process.env.TG_USER_ID7 && Use_tgBotNotify) {
TG_USER_ID = process.env.TG_USER_ID7;
if (process.env.TG_PROXY_AUTH7 && Use_tgBotNotify)
if (process.env.TG_PROXY_HOST7 && Use_tgBotNotify)
if (process.env.TG_PROXY_PORT7 && Use_tgBotNotify)
if (process.env.TG_API_HOST7 && Use_tgBotNotify)
TG_API_HOST = process.env.TG_API_HOST7;
if (process.env.DD_BOT_TOKEN7 && Use_ddBotNotify) {
DD_BOT_TOKEN = process.env.DD_BOT_TOKEN7;
if (process.env.DD_BOT_SECRET7) {
if (process.env.QYWX_KEY7 && Use_qywxBotNotify) {
QYWX_KEY = process.env.QYWX_KEY7;
if (process.env.QYWX_AM7 && Use_qywxamNotify) {
QYWX_AM = process.env.QYWX_AM7;
if (process.env.IGOT_PUSH_KEY7 && Use_iGotNotify) {
if (process.env.PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN7 && Use_pushPlusNotify) {
if (process.env.PUSH_PLUS_USER7 && Use_pushPlusNotify) {
if (process.env.PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN_hxtrip7 && Use_pushPlushxtripNotify) {
PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN_hxtrip = process.env.PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN_hxtrip7;
if (process.env.PUSH_PLUS_USER_hxtrip7 && Use_pushPlushxtripNotify) {
PUSH_PLUS_USER_hxtrip = process.env.PUSH_PLUS_USER_hxtrip7;
if (process.env.GOTIFY_URL7) {
GOTIFY_URL = process.env.GOTIFY_URL7;
if (process.env.GOTIFY_TOKEN7) {
if (process.env.GOTIFY_PRIORITY7) {
break; break;
} }
@ -1230,6 +1374,17 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
//开始读取青龙变量列表 //开始读取青龙变量列表
const envs = await getEnvs(); const envs = await getEnvs();
if (envs[0]) { if (envs[0]) {
var strTempdesp = [];
var strAllNotify = "";
if (text == "京东资产变动" || text == "京东资产变动#2" || text == "京东资产变动#3" || text == "京东资产变动#4") {
strTempdesp = desp.split('🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏');
if (strTempdesp.length == 2) {
strAllNotify = strTempdesp[0];
desp = strTempdesp[1];
for (let i = 0; i < envs.length; i++) { for (let i = 0; i < envs.length; i++) {
cookie = envs[i].value; cookie = envs[i].value;
$.UserName = decodeURIComponent(cookie.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && cookie.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]); $.UserName = decodeURIComponent(cookie.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && cookie.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]);
@ -1285,17 +1440,16 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
try { try {
//额外处理1nickName包含星号 //额外处理1nickName包含星号
$.nickName = $.nickName.replace(new RegExp(`[*]`, 'gm'), "[*]"); $.nickName = $.nickName.replace(new RegExp(`[*]`, 'gm'), "[*]");
text = text.replace(new RegExp(`${$.UserName}|${$.nickName}`, 'gm'), $.Remark); text = text.replace(new RegExp(`${$.UserName}|${$.nickName}`, 'gm'), $.Remark);
if (text == "京东资产变动" || text == "京东资产变动#2" || text == "京东资产变动#3" || text == "京东资产变动#4") { if (text == "京东资产变动" || text == "京东资产变动#2" || text == "京东资产变动#3" || text == "京东资产变动#4") {
var Tempinfo = getQLinfo(cookie, envs[i].created, envs[i].timestamp, envs[i].remarks); var Tempinfo = getQLinfo(cookie, envs[i].created, envs[i].timestamp, envs[i].remarks);
if (Tempinfo) { if (Tempinfo) {
$.Remark += Tempinfo; $.Remark += Tempinfo;
} }
} }
desp = desp.replace(new RegExp(`${$.UserName}|${$.nickName}`, 'gm'), $.Remark);
desp = desp.replace(new RegExp(`${$.UserName}|${$.nickName}`, 'gm'), $.Remark);
strsummary = strsummary.replace(new RegExp(`${$.UserName}|${$.nickName}`, 'gm'), $.Remark);
//额外处理2nickName不包含星号但是确实是手机号 //额外处理2nickName不包含星号但是确实是手机号
var tempname = $.UserName; var tempname = $.UserName;
if (tempname.length == 13 && tempname.substring(8)) { if (tempname.length == 13 && tempname.substring(8)) {
@ -1303,6 +1457,7 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
//console.log("额外处理2:"+tempname); //console.log("额外处理2:"+tempname);
text = text.replace(new RegExp(tempname, 'gm'), $.Remark); text = text.replace(new RegExp(tempname, 'gm'), $.Remark);
desp = desp.replace(new RegExp(tempname, 'gm'), $.Remark); desp = desp.replace(new RegExp(tempname, 'gm'), $.Remark);
strsummary = strsummary.replace(new RegExp(tempname, 'gm'), $.Remark);
} }
} catch (err) { } catch (err) {
@ -1320,6 +1475,9 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
} }
console.log("处理完成,开始发送通知..."); console.log("处理完成,开始发送通知...");
if (strAllNotify) {
desp = strAllNotify + "\n" + desp;
} }
} catch (error) { } catch (error) {
console.error(error); console.error(error);
@ -1383,7 +1541,7 @@ async function sendNotify(text, desp, params = {}, author = '\n\n本通知 By cc
tgBotNotify(text, desp), //telegram 机器人 tgBotNotify(text, desp), //telegram 机器人
ddBotNotify(text, desp), //钉钉机器人 ddBotNotify(text, desp), //钉钉机器人
qywxBotNotify(text, desp), //企业微信机器人 qywxBotNotify(text, desp), //企业微信机器人
qywxamNotify(text, desp,strsummary), //企业微信应用消息推送 qywxamNotify(text, desp, strsummary), //企业微信应用消息推送
iGotNotify(text, desp, params), //iGot iGotNotify(text, desp, params), //iGot
gobotNotify(text, desp), //go-cqhttp gobotNotify(text, desp), //go-cqhttp
gotifyNotify(text, desp), //gotify gotifyNotify(text, desp), //gotify
@ -1396,7 +1554,7 @@ function getuuid(strRemark, PtPin) {
if (strRemark) { if (strRemark) {
var Tempindex = strRemark.indexOf("@@"); var Tempindex = strRemark.indexOf("@@");
if (Tempindex != -1) { if (Tempindex != -1) {
console.log(PtPin+": 检测到NVJDC的一对一格式,瑞思拜~!"); console.log(PtPin + ": 检测到NVJDC的一对一格式,瑞思拜~!");
var TempRemarkList = strRemark.split("@@"); var TempRemarkList = strRemark.split("@@");
for (let j = 1; j < TempRemarkList.length; j++) { for (let j = 1; j < TempRemarkList.length; j++) {
if (TempRemarkList[j]) { if (TempRemarkList[j]) {
@ -1427,7 +1585,7 @@ function getuuid(strRemark, PtPin) {
function getQLinfo(strCK, intcreated, strTimestamp, strRemark) { function getQLinfo(strCK, intcreated, strTimestamp, strRemark) {
var strCheckCK = strCK.match(/pt_key=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && strCK.match(/pt_key=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]; var strCheckCK = strCK.match(/pt_key=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && strCK.match(/pt_key=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1];
var strPtPin = decodeURIComponent(strCK.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && strCK.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]); var strPtPin = decodeURIComponent(strCK.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/) && strCK.match(/pt_pin=([^; ]+)(?=;?)/)[1]);
var strReturn = ""; var strReturn = "";
if (strCheckCK.substring(0, 4) == "AAJh") { if (strCheckCK.substring(0, 4) == "AAJh") {
var DateCreated = new Date(intcreated); var DateCreated = new Date(intcreated);
@ -1436,30 +1594,30 @@ function getQLinfo(strCK, intcreated, strTimestamp, strRemark) {
if (strRemark) { if (strRemark) {
var Tempindex = strRemark.indexOf("@@"); var Tempindex = strRemark.indexOf("@@");
if (Tempindex != -1) { if (Tempindex != -1) {
console.log(strPtPin+": 检测到NVJDC的备注格式,尝试获取登录时间,瑞思拜~!"); //console.log(strPtPin + ": 检测到NVJDC的备注格式,尝试获取登录时间,瑞思拜~!");
var TempRemarkList = strRemark.split("@@"); var TempRemarkList = strRemark.split("@@");
for (let j = 1; j < TempRemarkList.length; j++) { for (let j = 1; j < TempRemarkList.length; j++) {
if (TempRemarkList[j]) { if (TempRemarkList[j]) {
if (TempRemarkList[j].length == 13) { if (TempRemarkList[j].length == 13) {
DateTimestamp = new Date(parseInt(TempRemarkList[j])); DateTimestamp = new Date(parseInt(TempRemarkList[j]));
console.log(strPtPin+": 获取登录时间成功:" + GetDateTime(DateTimestamp)); //console.log(strPtPin + ": 获取登录时间成功:" + GetDateTime(DateTimestamp));
break; break;
} }
} }
} }
} }
} }
var UseDay = Math.ceil((DateToday.getTime() - DateCreated.getTime()) / 86400000); var UseDay = Math.ceil((DateToday.getTime() - DateCreated.getTime()) / 86400000);
var LogoutDay = 30 - Math.ceil((DateToday.getTime() - DateTimestamp.getTime()) / 86400000); var LogoutDay = 30 - Math.ceil((DateToday.getTime() - DateTimestamp.getTime()) / 86400000);
if (LogoutDay < 1) { if (LogoutDay < 1) {
strReturn = "\n【登录信息】已服务" + UseDay + "天(登录状态即将到期,请重新登录)" strReturn = "\n【登录信息】总挂机" + UseDay + "天(账号即将到期,请重登续期)"
} else { } else {
strReturn = "\n【登录信息】已服务" + UseDay + "天(有效期约剩" + LogoutDay + "天)" strReturn = "\n【登录信息】总挂机" + UseDay + "天(有效期约剩" + LogoutDay + "天)"
} }
} }
return strReturn return strReturn
} }
@ -1485,6 +1643,17 @@ async function sendNotifybyWxPucher(text, desp, PtPin, author = '\n\n本通知 B
try { try {
var Uid = ""; var Uid = "";
var UserRemark = ""; var UserRemark = "";
var strTempdesp = [];
var strAllNotify = "";
if (text == "京东资产变动") {
strTempdesp = desp.split('🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏🎏');
if (strTempdesp.length == 2) {
strAllNotify = strTempdesp[0];
desp = strTempdesp[1];
var tempEnv = await getEnvByPtPin(PtPin); var tempEnv = await getEnvByPtPin(PtPin);
if (tempEnv) { if (tempEnv) {
@ -1552,6 +1721,9 @@ async function sendNotifybyWxPucher(text, desp, PtPin, author = '\n\n本通知 B
} }
console.log("处理完成,开始发送通知..."); console.log("处理完成,开始发送通知...");
desp = buildLastDesp(desp, author); desp = buildLastDesp(desp, author);
if (strAllNotify) {
desp = strAllNotify + "\n" + desp;
await wxpusherNotifyByOne(text, desp, strsummary); await wxpusherNotifyByOne(text, desp, strsummary);
} else { } else {
console.log("未查询到用户的Uid,取消一对一通知发送..."); console.log("未查询到用户的Uid,取消一对一通知发送...");
@ -1676,15 +1848,18 @@ function gotifyNotify(text, desp) {
function gobotNotify(text, desp, time = 2100) { function gobotNotify(text, desp, time = 2100) {
return new Promise((resolve) => { return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (GOBOT_URL) { if (GOBOT_URL) {
const options = { const options = {
url: `${GOBOT_URL}?access_token=${GOBOT_TOKEN}&${GOBOT_QQ}&message=标题:${encodeURIComponent(text+"\n")}内容:${encodeURIComponent(desp)}`, url: `${GOBOT_URL}?access_token=${GOBOT_TOKEN}&${GOBOT_QQ}`,
headers: { json: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', message: `${text}\n${desp}`
}, },
timeout, headers: {
}; 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
setTimeout(() => { setTimeout(() => {
$.get(options, (err, resp, data) => { $.post(options, (err, resp, data) => {
try { try {
if (err) { if (err) {
console.log('发送go-cqhttp通知调用API失败\n'); console.log('发送go-cqhttp通知调用API失败\n');
@ -1993,7 +2168,7 @@ function ChangeUserId(desp) {
} }
} }
function qywxamNotify(text, desp, strsummary="") { function qywxamNotify(text, desp, strsummary = "") {
return new Promise((resolve) => { return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (QYWX_AM) { if (QYWX_AM) {
const QYWX_AM_AY = QYWX_AM.split(','); const QYWX_AM_AY = QYWX_AM.split(',');
@ -2011,7 +2186,7 @@ function qywxamNotify(text, desp, strsummary="") {
$.post(options_accesstoken, (err, resp, data) => { $.post(options_accesstoken, (err, resp, data) => {
html = desp.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>'); html = desp.replace(/\n/g, '<br/>');
html = `<font size="3">${html}</font>`; html = `<font size="3">${html}</font>`;
if (strsummary=="") { if (strsummary == "") {
strsummary = desp; strsummary = desp;
} }
var json = JSON.parse(data); var json = JSON.parse(data);
@ -2256,7 +2431,7 @@ function wxpusherNotifyByOne(text, desp, strsummary = "") {
} }
if (strsummary.length > 96) { if (strsummary.length > 96) {
strsummary = strsummary.substring(0, 95)+"..."; strsummary = strsummary.substring(0, 95) + "...";
} }
let uids = []; let uids = [];
for (let i of WP_UIDS_ONE.split(";")) { for (let i of WP_UIDS_ONE.split(";")) {